


Congress is going to be voting on this historic piece of legislation.

Any person in our country – no matter where they’re from, where they live or what they do for a living should earn at least $15/hr and have access to good union jobs, clean air and affordable healthcare. We must end poverty-wage work in America, and that’s what a federal $15 minimum wage law will do.

The federal minimum wage has been frozen at $7.25 for nearly a decade. June 16th marks the longest period working people in our country have gone without an increase to the federal minimum wage! We can’t wait another decade to be paid enough to lead a decent life and provide for our family.

Today we are calling Congress to Tell Congress that it’s time to take action and immediately pass the Raise the Wage Act!

Call 1-866-426-2631 (English) or 1-877-736-7831 (Spanish) and tell your Representative to vote YES on the Raise the Wage Act (HR 582) and vote against any proposals that weaken the bill. We need all of our representatives to fight for this bill and bring it to a vote!

Working families around the US have marched, called their elected leaders and voted for $15 and a union! It’s time for our elected officials to listen to our voices!

Tell Congress to pass the Raise the Wage Act now so working people can provide a decent lifestyle for their loved ones as well as lay a foundation for the next generation of their families to succeed. --